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hope to create more low-level and frequently used miscellaneous soldiers and monsters. Thank you very much

Hi engvee, 

Can you add front view walk, attack, dodge/block and death? 


Hi! Good idea! But this can take some time... there is too much work in real life and huge amount of work with other sprites. Added your request in list, just keep finger on pulse to know about updates )

You respond quick and you create work so fast! You are great thank you!

Btw I don't mind buying you a coffee, do you have a ko-fi account or something similar?


Somehow I didn't thought about it ))) I will make one later

If there will be some kind of game you will finish, please, post a link to try it :D

Thanks when you do, I'll be the first to get you a coffee! :)))


26 animations in two versions: many frames - smoother and reduced frame qty - lightweight. Both are in spritesheets and uncompressed frames.

Have a nice day!

Oh wow amazing! You deliver superb results! So much more than those I just mentioned amazing! 


谢谢你! 现在好游戏不多。 我希望每个开发人员都有东西可以开始,无论他们是否有钱聘请美工。 希望译者翻译正确。 祝你今天过得愉快!